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Surviving Dry January

The festive season is officially over and we’re in a whole new decade so not only are we into new year’s resolutions, we’re into new decade resolutions. I for one, plan to do what I do every year and attempt to detox, destress, and unwind after a hectic few months in the run-up to Christmas.

This year I plan to cut down on waste, animal products, and for a short while enjoy some alcohol-free time. It always dawns on me over December when I feel I can’t escape an excuse for a cheeky wine or cocktail how bloated and dare I say it chubby I start to become so for 2020 it’s time to cut back. 

In preparation, I’ve been thinking about how I might do this, and here are some tips

Reward yourself 

Think about how much money those of us who drink spend on alcohol each month, especially when the excuse “f**k it, it’s Christmas” is a socially acceptable one. If you have a money tracking app like Monzo, try to calculate how much has been spent on your poison of choice over the month of December and instead in January, aim to save that amount - or to pay off your credit card or overdraft. 

If you’re not app savvy then every time you’re tempted by a drink note down how much that cocktail, a glass of fizz, a bottle of wine cost and instead squirrel that money away. 

At the end of the month, you’ll either have a nice pot of money, or a great dent off any debts. 

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Try 0% 

Sometimes people feel like they need something that looks or even tastes like their favourite tipple. Now, with the rise of #SoberOctober and #DryJanuary there are lots of products available such as alcohol-free, or nearly free, beers and ciders and even fancy alcohol-free spirits that act as a substitute for vodka or gin. Especially if there’s a family event, big birthday, or if you work in an industry that does Christmas parties in the New Year, try experimenting with a few alternatives. 

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Soda and lime is your friend

The average pint of soda and lime is around 22kcal, a small glass of G&T with a slimline tonic is 55kcal. As it is often served in a glass with ice and some fresh lime a lot of people find it a great substitute on a night out, as people don’t realise you’re not drinking, plus it’s really low calorie even if you drink a lot of it. 

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Team up 

Why not ask your close friends, family or partner to try a Dry January challenge with you? With the support of others, it can make it a lot easier as you might start doing other activities that revolve less around alcohol such as a nice walk, trip to the cinema, or a games night. 

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Enjoy no hangovers

Yep, you heard me, no hangovers! With the time that isn’t spent moping, sleeping, desperately rehydrating, ordering takeout and Netflixing do something else, start a new gym class, get out and about, or finish off all your chores. Celebrating the lack of a wasted day is a great motivation for cutting back. 

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Don’t beat yourself up 

If you fall off the wagon there’s no shame in it. Sometimes you might just really fancy a delicious cocktail or your favourite pint and that’s absolutely fine. We are all human. If you’ve had one night off make sure you get back on board to reach your goal and even consider an extension into February. 

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I would absolutely love to know if you start doing any #dryjanuary challenges or even if you decide to cut back. I’m not sure I’ll last the whole month but I’m feeling hopeful! Find out how I get on via my Instagram:

By Alice Louise Hargreaves