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July Tarot Reading

July Tarot Reading

Today we are welcoming July with open arms and a tarot reading to see what lies ahead of us. June has definitely been an interesting month, with restrictions easing and some of our freedoms postponed, there surely is a mixed baggage of emotions. 

This time I decided to use The Modern Witch Tarot, which is by far my favourite tarot deck, and available to purchase on Amazon if you’d like to join in. 

ARIES - The sun

Dear Aries, it seems like July is going to shine bright for you. The sun is the most positive card in the deck, it shines light on your efforts and it tells me that you are finally going to be free from burdens because a new perspective is settling in. This month you will benefit from joy and harmony. Go sunbathe and worry about nothing, because the universe is coming together to push you on the path of greatness. 

TAURUS - King of Swords 

Dear Taurus, this month will bring you leadership. You will be ruling like a king with a kind heart but very business-oriented. You know what is right for yourself and your people, and you are an authoritative figure that is widely respected. Maybe you have been doubting yourself and your leadership abilities, but the King of Swords shows me that you are now ready to lead with kindness and authority. 

GEMINI - The Lovers

Dear Gemini, what a beautiful card we have for this July. Most people look at the lovers as a card of love, when really I would say that it is a card of choices. It is your time to make a choice, whether this is within a romantic relationship, a friendship or anything else, you have to consider all the pros and cons. Making a choice often means that you will have to sacrifice another outcome. Make sure you weigh all of the outcomes and your feelings before rushing towards a conclusion. 

CANCER - Ace of Cups 

Dear Cancer, your cup is overflowing, a new beginning is coming and oh, how sweet it is going to be. The Ace of Cups tells me that you finally will start something new with regards to relationships, whether platonic or romantic. You will finally benefit from joy and fulfilment this month, so make sure to live every day as if they were unique. 

LEO - Eight of Wands

Dear Leo, something tells me that the previous months have not been as productive and easy as you would have liked. Worry not though, because the Eight of Wands is a card of space and growth. This month you are finally back on track to achieve your goals even faster. You will be buzzing with energy, so make sure you make the most of it. You can finally move forward. 

VIRGO - Nine of Swords

Dear Virgo, seems like this month is going to be a bit hard on you. Lots of anxieties and little sleep. Try to understand what it is that worries you, how you can help yourself to avoid those anxieties or at least how to not let them overwhelm you. Consider getting help from a specialist and try relaxation techniques. Whatever is on your mind, know that it will be temporary. 

LIBRA - Eight of Pentacles 

Dear Libra, you are truly mastering your skills. This month is dedicated to work and projects to finally become the master at what you do. Take this month as an opportunity to truly work on your projects and not let anyone or anything distract you from what you want to achieve. You will feel a lot more confident in your abilities after this month. 

SCORPIO - Knight of Swords

Dear Scorpio, this month is the month of ambition, to truly shine. You are highly driven and nothing can stop you from achieving your goals. Make sure to assert yourself even when people are trying to distract you from what is important. Follow your heart, and know that your driven personality will get you to the end goal, not other people’s opinions. 

SAGITTARIUS - The Magician 

Dear Sagittarius, brace yourself for some manifestation. This month you will have everything at your fingertips, the universe is opening up a path for you to get what you want. All you need to do is ask and trust that what you need will come to you at the most appropriate time. This month, take the opportunity of the energy around you to dedicate your time to some rituals. 


Dear Capricorn, expect some big changes coming your way. This might be a very painful change, it happens when the truth can no longer hide, and you will have a moment of clarity where every single change that has occurred finally makes sense. This month, do not expect stability, but do expect a lot of chaos. This does not mean that all is bad, cling to the clarity that strikes like lightning and hold tight to it. 

AQUARIUS - Queen of Swords

Dear Aquarius, this month you will experience a lot of clarity and emotions won’t interfere with your decisions. Take this month as an opportunity to use your brain and your intellect to find out what is right for you. Do not let emotions get in the way, this month is all about finding what is true to you. 

PISCES - Two of Cups 

Dear Pisces, love is in the air and is flowing between you and your partner, or it will be flowing between you and someone who you feel deeply connected with. Get ready to enter new partnerships, this month is especially great for relationships of any kind. Your communication will be flowing, so this is the perfect time to say the unsaid. 

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Written by Cloe Grampa

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