Bristol Girl

Helping women in Bristol find friends, business connections and new opportunities

Bristol Girl helps over 30,000 women to find friends, housemates, jobs, business connections, and advice.

For years, the team has hosted huge parties, gigs, comedy nights, craft workshops, charity fundraisers, fitness events and so many more. That's not forgetting the usual coffee and drinks meet ups, bringing the whole community together.

There are countless ways that you can get involved and find your very own Bristol Girl gang.

Join For Free

City Girl Creatives

We are building a collaborative ecosystem of diverse creatives, operating in all parts of the creative economy. This impactful all women network aims to empower gender equity across all creative work.

Want to know who is on the Bristol Girl team?

Join our events and online community team to help us host coffee chats, drinks evenings, book clubs, walking groups, craft clubs and so much more.



Reach a highly-engaged local and national audience through joining our business directory, supporting events and offering deals for our Friends Pass!

We’re currently based in Brighton, London, Manchester, Bristol, Bath, Leeds, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Worthing, Liverpool, Newcastle, Chester, Milton Keynes, Oxford, York, Cardiff, Glasgow and Rural Sussex.
If you’d like us to be in your city too - let us know!