Cardiff Girl
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Charities & Support Networks in Cardiff
Rise Cardiff
Our service is here to support, advocate and provide places of safety for any women (and her children) who are experiencing or at risk of domestic violence/abuse, sexual violence/abuse, harmful practices, sexual exploitation, stalking and harassment. Cardiff will be a place of safety for women, children and young people and as a City, we will continuously take a coordinated community approach to reduce the number of women and, children and young people affected by all forms of violence against women.
They provide support for:
Domestic Violence/Abuse
Sexual Violence/Abuse
Harmful Practices
Sexual Exploitation
Stalking and Harassment
Young People and Children who have encountered these issues
Website: https://rise-cardiff.cymru/
Phone: 02920 460 566
Email: reception@rise-cardiff.cymru
Cardiff Women’s Aid
Violence against women is a systematic product of our unequal society, so, we do more than just provide services. We work to transform society’s response to survivors of abuse through outreach, training and advocacy.
While each of our services has its own key aim, everything we do is interconnected. Our specialist team has the knowledge and skills to bring all the elements of service provision together. Each personal advocate is as comfortable discussing legal protection and housing options as she is using her skills to address trauma.
Website: www.cardiffwomensaid.org.uk
Phone: 029 2046 0566
Support email: duty@cardiffwomensaid.org.uk
Mind Cardiff
Cardiff Mind offers a range of community-based residential and day services for adults who are resident in Cardiff and experiencing mental health difficulties. Single point of entry for all services but self-referrals to day services are possible. Some services are delivered outside office hours.
Cardiff Mind promotes positive emotional wellbeing through empowering and supporting people to access opportunities to give them independence and quality of life.
Cardiff Mind offers several types of day services, as well as supported accommodation. Their day services include:
Courses and guided self-help
Social groups
Active monitoring
Website: www.cardiffmind.org
Phone: 0292 0402 040
Email: admin@cardiffmind.org
Hafal Cardiff
Hafal Cardiff helps people with serious mental illness and their families to work towards recovery. All our services are underpinned by Hafal’s Recovery Programme which empowers clients and families to take control of their lives and achieve recovery.
Hafal’s Recovery Programme is a modern approach to dealing with mental illness.
As an organisation managed by its members – people with experience of serious mental illness and their families – Hafal has drawn on many years’ experience in dealing with serious mental illness to make the Recovery Programme as effective as possible.
The Recovery Programme encourages you to take a “Whole Person” approach, looking at the following areas of your life in order to move forward:
Education and training
Work and occupation
Parenting or caring relationships
Finance and money
Social, cultural and spiritual
Medical and other forms of treatment including psychological intervention
Personal care and physical wellbeing
Website: www.hafal.org/in-your-area/cardiff
Phone: 02920 565959
Email: lydia.williams@hafal.org