Glasgow Girl
The ultimate social meet up network for Glasgow girls!
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Charities and Support Networks in Glasgow
Glasgow Women’s Aid
Supporting women, children and young people who are experiencing Domestic Abuse for over 35 years. The development of this service has been influenced by the experiences of the women, children and young people that have been supported and worked with
Glasgow Women’s Aid can offer:
Temporary accommodation and refuge
Confidential ongoing support
Information on housing, benefits, financial issues and legal issues
Signposting to other relevant organisations.
interpreting services
“No-one deserves to be abused and you did not cause the abuse”
Phone: 0141553 2022
Website: www.glasgowwomensaid.org.uk
Since 1976 the Glasgow & Clyde Rape Crisis Centre has been providing free and confidential support to women and girls who have been raped, sexually assaulted or sexually abused, no matter when this has happened in their lives. Based in Glasgow but also offering services to women in Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, East Dunbartonshire, West Dunbartonshire and Inverclyde. Some of the services offered by GCRC include:
A free telephone helpline which is open seven days a week
An ‘instant message’ facility on our website
Email support
Face-to-face support with trained support workers
A drop-in each Wednesday
Evening and weekend appointments
“The Rape Crisis Centre in Glasgow wants to create a community where women and girls are free from all forms of sexual violence and to achieve this within a feminist, equalities and human rights framework.”
Phone: 08088 00 00 14.