Liverpool Girl
The ultimate social meet up network for Liverpool Girls!
Liverpool Girl was created in July 2018, with Community Manager, Megan Gibson, fronting the mission! Since then, the community has grown to over 1,000 Liverpool Girls finding their feet in the city through coffee and drinks meet ups, day trips to see our other City Girl Networks and exploring the amazing festivals that happen across the city.
Find new city girl friends here in Liverpool!
Liverpool Girl Events
The latest magazine articles for women in Liverpool
Women’s Health Information and Support Centre
Established in 1984, the Women’s Health Information and Support Centre (WHISC)is a charity dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of women and their families in Liverpool and the surrounding areas. A warm, professional and hardworking team work together to ensure that all women feel respected and that girls grow up with high self-esteem. WHISC believes that no woman should experience barriers to getting the information, support and care that they need for them to achieve optimum health.
A drop-in service provides women with a range of services available to them in addition to outreach programmes building links with communities throughout Merseyside:
Emotional wellbeing and Mental Health Support
Training and Courses
Support Groups
Drop-in Appointments
Complementary Therapies
“We support all women’s mental health and wellbeing, through the provision of psychological therapies, complementary therapies, self-help, exercise classes and health education. We empower all women with information, free support and activities that combat isolation and support wellbeing.”
Phone: 0151 707 1826
Website: whisc.org.uk
Contact: women@whisc.org.uk
Twitter: @WHISC
Instagram: @WHISC_liv
Liverpool Domestic Abuse Service (LDAS)
A specialist BME service with multi-lingual staff and volunteers, offering access to interpreters and information in different languages. This support service offers a range of options designed to meet individual needs, this is achieved through:
Drop-In Services
Outreach services
“Our aim is to Protect, Support and Empower women and girls who suffer from domestic abuse to live safe and independent lives”.
Phone: 0151 263 7474
Website: liverpooldomesticabuseservice.org.uk
Twitter: @LDAService