Survivors' Network

Expert-led, trauma-informed training and consultancy for professionals and the wider public.

Address: 6a Pavilion Buildings, Brighton. BN1 1EE

Email Address:

Website: Survivors' Network

Where else to find Survivors’ Network

Facebook: @survivorsnetwork

Instagram: @survivorsnetwork

Twitter: @survivorsnetwork

About Survivors’ Network

Survivors’ Network is the Rape Crisis Centre for Sussex, and are accredited by both Rape Crisis England and Wales and The Survivors’ Trust.

Established well over 30 years ago, we offer expert-led, trauma-informed training and consultancy for professionals and the wider public, alongside a variety of frontline services. Our training is informed through our decades of practice, and embedded position within this sector.

With our training, you will receive up to date, engaging and relevant learning, sensitively delivered by experienced and currently practising professionals. You will also have the knowledge that by investing in our training, you will have supported the ongoing delivery of essential services to survivors of any age, and any gender.

We find our training is of particular interest to people in support roles, therapeutic providers, line managers and HR personnel, but have a variety of packages to suit anyone wanting to learn more and/or be a part of culture change.

Our packages include, but are not limited to:

·                Bystander Intervention

·                Responding to and handling First Disclosures (which includes information on note taking)

·                Recognising and Responding to Sexual Violence

·                Pre-Trial Therapy Training

·                Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

·                Sexual Violence and the Legal System

·                Trauma and the Brain

·                Vicarious Trauma and Self Care

·                Supporting Survivors in Higher Education

·                Consent Workshops

And we are happy to work with you to create bespoke sessions if a particular need has been identified.


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