Band On The Rise: Sick Love

Irish band, Sick Love has released their latest song Holly’. Our Content Creator, Holly caught up with lead singer, Rebecca, about the new release and most importantly female empowerment.

What advice could you give to our City Girls for being their best self?

The best advice I could give is to go your own journey what ever that my be. I’ve been doing music since 18 years old, 29 now, and the biggest thing that’s helped me to keep going with it and not lose hope is always following your own path and just do you. There’s a lot of people who will say do this, you shouldn’t do that because etc. People thinking you should be in a certain career path, friends with certain people. The key is to stay true to yourself, and stick to what is your thing and believe in that. you will find the same people as you who are on that path if you just keep going.

How do you mentally prepare to get on stage and put on a show?

I’m a double personality. In my own personal life i’m quiet and reserved, very introverted. When it comes to go ing on stage, it’s like an outer body switch. It helps me build up to it, the most elevated version of myself and you can’t be like it all the time. You put your best self forward, like a mental switch and the minute I come off stage it’s back to my introvert self. I love that we can talk to the audience after the stage, it really is that mental shift, version of yourself where you go full on and then retrieve yourself and build up for the next one. It’s the most free version of myself when I’m on stage.

Which songs are empowering you right now?

I’ve been listening a lot to SZA, I love her. The first song on her album is SOS it’s like an intro, it’s the song I listened to when I need a ‘pick me up’, there’s a line in it and she goes ‘damn right I’m the one’, I’m singing it with confidence. When you are feeling low in yourself, it reminds me that I’m doing me. Her album is so empowering.

Who are your biggest artistic influencers and why?

When I was growing up , Regina Spector laid those foundations of my song writing and how I saw myself as an artist, her story telling into music is amazing. Another one would be Marina, reminds me when I was a teenager and I was rediscovering myself. Paramore’s Hayley Williams, Blondie, Debbie Harry all of those kind of artists.

Was there ever a time you felt alone and needed the community?

Music has been a huge community for me. When I just started writing songs when I was younger, I was very much on my own writing, it wasn’t till I started gigging and meeting people like minded, and that I could connect with, especially going to gigs was a huge way of connecting with my people. Even the guys in the band, once we came together, that became a huge community, build each other up.

Tell us about your new single and who is Holly?

Holly is an idea of a person. The song itself, is about being young, finding yourself, questioning who you are, your sexuality, who you love and figuring yourself out and what you may be afraid to explore. It’s a nostalgic song, about those teenage years, it’s one of the songs that will tie in to everything that was questioned.

Hear Sick Love on Spotify and follow them on Instagram for upcoming gigs


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