A Brief Guide To Crystals For Beginners, And How To Use Them For Self-Healing

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Crystals are little bundles of joy that have taken over the internet in recent years, and you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. 

Crystals have been used for healing and magic since the ancient Sumerian times. Throughout history, various properties have been given to crystals, and they have been used to serve a wide range of purposes: from protection, to healing, and even cosmetically. Crystals are referenced in numerous ancient texts including the Bible and the Koran. 

The theory for crystal healing is that we live in a world of frequency. Everyone and every living thing on this planet will resonate at a certain vibrational frequency, typically the healthier you are the higher your frequency. 

Similarly, when frequencies in food were measured, it was found that the fresher and healthier the food (ie: fresh raw fruit, veg and herbs) the higher the frequency. Frequencies can be measured by a frequency meter, and a normal healthy human body has been shown to vibrate at a frequency of 62-72 MHz and disease begins to take place in the body when the frequency drops at 58 MHz and below. 

Our human body frequencies are, however, constantly changing and evolving and are heavily influenced not only by what we put into our bodies, but also by our surroundings. In contrast to our unstable and easily influenced frequencies, crystals have extremely stable frequencies, which are believed to positively influence our own. 

On a deeper level, it is also said that crystals hold deep wisdom and knowledge ingrained in them through their lengthy creation process. 

During a session with a crystal healer, the crystals will serve as tools for the healer to rebalance the energies of the body, the mind and the spirit, by both removing stagnating energies and by bringing healing where it is needed. 

But don’t just take someone’s word for it, try it for yourself! 

Here’s A Few Tips On How You can begin to use crystals for your own self-healing: 

The best way to connect with crystals in general is to meditate with them. To do this, simply hold a crystal of your choosing between your hands, and bring your attention to nothing other than this crystal, allow all your senses to connect to it, and feel how your body reacts to it, finally quieten the mind, and see if any thoughts or images that seem valuable to you appear.  

To choose a crystal, allow your intuition to speak.  You can do this either by going into a crystal shop and simply choosing a crystal that you feel drawn to, or by looking at pictures of various crystals and seeing if one grasps your attention in particular. 

Classic Crystals And How To Use Them

AMETHYST: To bring peace and calm the mind. Put it under your pillow for sleep, keep it around you or simply hold it for inner-peace. Great for headaches as well, hold it to the area of pain with the intention of releasing the pain. Warning: it does not like heat.

ROSE QUARTZ: A powerful heart healer, a crystal for love in general, but more particularly for self-love. Place it on your heart to help relieve anxiety. Keep it around you to connect you to your self-love. Place it behind your bedroom door to attract love. 

CITRINE: A powerful manifestor and great to connect you to your inner power. Place it on your stomach to relieve stress. Keep it in your purse to attract financial abundance. Warning: citrine is quite a rare stone, and many citrines currently sold on the market are actually heated amethyst. Make sure you source your citrine from a trustworthy source. 

BLACK TOURMALINE: A protection and cleansing stone. Place it at your feet and visualise all the negative energies in your body being released. Warning: Especially when in its raw form, it does not like water. 

Remember to cleanse your crystals! A great way to do this is by smudging them with Frankincense incense, simply surround them in the smoke whilst sending the intention to cleanse them. 

If you want to get a taste of some online distance healing for yourself, join City Girl Network on Sunday 31st for our Realign & Reset Wellness Retreat- 10am until 2:30, with Yoga, meditation, reiki healing, cultivating a positive mindset coaching and goal setting workshop! Tickets are an absolute steal at £10- you can purchase them here. 

Help us keep the City Girl Network running by supporting us via Patreon for the price of a cheap cup of coffee- just £2 a month. For £3 a month you can also get yourself a Patreon exclusive 10% off any of our ticketed events! You can also support us by following us on Instagram, and by joining our City Girl Network (city-wide!) Facebook group.

Written by: Ophelie Hocquard



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