Lockdown 2.0: It’s Going to be Okay
The U.K is imposing new restrictions to try and limit the spread of Coronavirus, with the alert level being raised to 4 and everyone worrying about what’s to come. Let’s reflect on our initial time in quarantine and see what we can prepare for this time.
Everyone had a different reaction to the initial lockdown and everyone is still experiencing varied feelings and repercussions around it. Those who had to work throughout were anxious, especially those with vulnerable partners, parents and children. Those who were furloughed seemed to enjoy their period of respite, especially if they had a garden, and the same went for many of those working from home as long as they didn’t live alone. Those with time off and no pay panicked.
Photo credit: @designfactory
Fundamentally it was important not to judge, which can sometimes be the most difficult thing in the world; even more so when we are already in a very divided society, being told to ‘be alert’ whilst the media is pitting us against each other.
The women of City Girl Network have been quite excellent at coming together and helping each other through. These are the positives we can take from our time in isolation:
● We supported each other in a helpful and accessible way on social media- (which is harder than you’d think!)
● We picked up extra hobbies, learnt that thing we’d always wanted to try and took online courses.
● We used the internet for it’s most positive purpose of bringing us all together with zoom quizzes and virtual clothes swaps.
● We debated the issues in a calm methodical manner.
● We helped each other make affordable life changes which help our environment.
Now we face returning to our bunkers once again and I say, “we did it before, now let’s do it again, but better!" Last time it was a shock, things weren’t set up quickly enough and people struggled. I’m not saying people won’t struggle this time, but we can put measures in place using the rarely useful ‘hindsight’.
For once hindsight may have a place of glory, we can use any regrets or things we would have found useful the first time round and aim to be in as comfortable a situation as possible (and help others achieve this too). As the scouts say “Preparation, preparation, preparation”, or maybe that was Buffy...
I digress. My point is; let’s all make a list of things we wish we’d had in place last time, let’s find work arounds for the things that made us unhappy and embrace the parts that actually helped make our lives a little easier. And we don’t have to stop there, we could do the things we had ideas to do but never got round to.
I for one was planning on creating a range of social distancing fashion items such as the metre circumference hat! There was also a vague idea of house swaps, so you could have a change of scenery and take turns to have a garden. And stocking up on great books or watching that show people have been recommending for yonks.
When you’re feeling down or isolated, try to think of the great impact we have on the earth when we’re not all driving around! Think about how our coastline improved so quickly and how much nicer the air smells.
Try investing now in a home delivery service (if possible one that helps the planet with surplus vegetables). Add yourself to a composting scheme waitlist so you can compost or research winter gardening!
We have each other and we should lean on each other when we need to.
Say it with me now, “Once More With Feeling”.
Written by Eva Marie Wilshere
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