Brighton Girl Guide: The Perfect Lunch Break In Town

We all know the struggle of sourcing the right food and making the most of our time during this one hour every working day. The company I work for myself for example has a big canteen with multiple different dishes and a salad bar. However after about a week, the dishes just keep repeating itself and in 10 months of working there I have come up with a few of my own ways of making the best of my time, having healthier and better food and getting away from the whole office for a bit. 




I am always happy to include them in any food related posts, because I have outed myself as an addict before. These vegan sushi wraps will not fail to be the highlight of your working day. My personal favourite is “The Fully Loaded” with sweet potato, veggies and crispy vegan “chicken” pieces. Served by the loveliest, smiling staff this never fails to brighten up my lunch. As it is located on Pool Valley, right by the seafront, you can enjoy it right there and refuel before going back to draining office atmosphere.


This falafel place on Gardner Street really does put all the love promised in the title into the wraps. Not only are they great at puns, but also at making your belly filled with delicious spices and contentedness. You can also get falafel boxes and salads, there is no limits when it comes to falafel at Fil Fil


A new sandwich restaurant on St. James’s Street has the right thing for you whether you are vegan or meat-eater. This is the lunch version of the critically acclaimed restaurant “Food For Friends” in the Lanes. Fresh, well made, healthy sandwiches and salads for a reasonable price. I had my first lunch there with a wriggle deal. The perfect solution on a break. Pay beforehand and get it fast. They have an outside bit and the staff is always making sure you are content.


I wanted to round this list off with my absolute favourite lunch place in town. I discovered this place on George Street as one of my first office escapes and just sat there with a book. There is something about its’ calm atmosphere and the nice owner who is always happy to chat and makes all sandwiches on his own. Once I came in there was a big art projection on the wall, no music and it was just like sitting inside of a different world for a bit. Absolute peace. The food, however, is the actual attraction at Speaker’s Corner. The wraps, salads and sandwiches are all freshly made. I strongly advised you to ask for the “special wrap” from the cook book that’s not on the menu, you will not regret it. There is loads of options with Aubergine, which is always something to win me over with. I highly suggest you take my word and go on a little lunch-adventure and I promise you will feel just like in a living room.

Whatever place you should pick, I also encourage all of you to maybe get a takeaway and sit on the beach or in pavilion gardens for a bit. Don't let the short time window put you off. For a while I went to the beach every day during lunch and even if you may only have 15 mins of actually sitting there, it is enough to clear out your head from work, listen to a few songs and breathe some sea air. Even though it makes it harder to get back to work, it will make the rest of your work day just fly by. 

Written by Anna Olivia Böke

Some of these options are available as deals on Wriggle. If you sign up to Wriggle using the code 'brightongirl', you get £3 off your first purchase.

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