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Cardiff Girl Coffee Craft & Chats

  • Coffee Spot Coffee Spot, 6 Barrack Lane, CF10 2FR (map)

Our regular Craft Club is having a spring makeover! We know that even though the weather might be getting better, we might not feel so springy in our step, so we very much welcome everyone to this (even if you aren’t SUPER crafty) and just fancy a chat in a chill environment? Come along!

If you are getting your craft on - every craft and every skill level is welcome!

It’s BYOP (Bring Your Own Project) so bring your latest project whether this is knitting, embroidery, scrapbooking, or anything else. We do have a no mess rule, so please don’t bring your buckets of glitter (even though we love a bit of glitter).

Come join our Event Hosts, Mari & Cerian to get cosy and create some amazing crafts (or not) for our super relaxed session on Sunday 26th January!

Each ticket purchased for this event will include one hot drink or soft drink.

We understand that coming to an event can be daunting if you haven't been to one before (or sometimes even if you have!). We really want you all to know that absolutely everyone on the Cardiff Girl group is welcome.

We are a group of kind, supportive and inclusive girls who are all here with the same thing in mind - to create some strong connections and quality friendships. So please don't worry if you're feeling anxious as those anxieties will certainly fade once you’ve met us!

SOCIAL MEDIA DISCLAIMER: Photos will be taken at this event to be used on our social media channels. If you do not wish for your photo to be used, please contact one of the Event Hosts in advance.

BUDDY UP: Are you coming on your own for the first time or even the 10th time & would love to meet up with someone before coming in to take the edge off? We’ve all been new once so remember the first time anxieties! Pop a message below and see if you can match up with someone.


Cardiff Girl is part of the City Girl Network, a social network helping women all over the world call their cities ‘home’.

If you have friends in Bath, Bristol, Brighton, Bucks, Cheltenham, Chester, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, MK, Newcastle, Newport, Norwich, Oxford, Perth, Rural Sussex, Worthing or York.. tell them about us!

To book, select ‘30th March’ in the calendar below and then continue – this will then prompt you to add your payment details.

Tickets are sold as non-refundable.

29 March

Oxford Girl Craft Club

2 April

Manchester Girl Co-Work Club