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Manchester Girl Walk and Talk

Join us for a walk down from Chorlton Green to the Water Park and back!

We'll be walking through the ees and down the Mersey so it'll be some lovely green and (probably) muddy views.

It's just down the road from Chorlton Tram stop and there's lots of parking nearby. At the end you can head off or find a local cafe to continue your conversations.

Walk Leader: Clare

This event includes a non-refundable £2 Community Fee, helping us to keep running.

*Disclaimer: By attending any of the walks organised by the group, you acknowledge that the leader may not hold any formal qualifications in relation to Walking leadership or Medical qualifications. You accept responsibility for your own safety and join the walks at your own risk. You take personal responsibility for assessing your own personal fitness to participate in any walk . You acknowledge that if you have a health issue, it is your responsibility to take appropriate steps in safeguarding yourself. A walk leader must be informed if you wish to leave the walk part way and you take your own responsibility to get home.

30 September

MK Girl Thrifties: Discovering Stony Stratford

1 October

Leeds Girl Yoga